SUPPORT THE VAA!You can make a difference today. |
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Your gift, in any amount, makes a measurable difference. The Visual Arts Association of Northwest Florida, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Your tax-refundable donation will help fund arts education needs and experiences within our community. You will receive a formal acknowledgment of this contribution in the mail for your records. Donations through PayPal are available as a one-time or monthly reoccurring gift. For honor and memorial donations please see details below.
The VAA raises funds to create impactful arts education opportunities. Each academic year the VAA announces Leave a Legacy scholarships and grants to provide funding for high school and college students, art educators and working artists in Escambia and Santa Rosa County. Award amounts and number of awards presented vary annually according to funds raised. Your donation will directly benefit a VAA scholarship or grant. Each donation is 100% tax deductible and goes directly toward opportunities aimed at impacting area arts classroom funding, projects and artist development. |
- Your gift in honor of your family member, friend, or coworker is a special way to recognize a milestone and celebrate the transformative power of the arts. When you give in honor of someone, you also help to ensure that arts education continue to thrive in your community. For online donations, following payment via PayPal, please email [email protected] to specify the email or mailing address of the person you are honoring with this gift and we will send a special gift recognition card notifying him or her of your gift.
- Your gift in memory of a loved one is a heartfelt way to memorialize those who have touched your life. When you give in memory of someone, you also support our mission to advance the arts and arts education across Northwest Florida. For online donations, following payment via PayPal, please email [email protected] to include the email or mailing address of the person you would like us to notify of this tribute and we will let them know you have made a gift in memory of someone special.
- Choose to gift a one-time or monthly donation. Monthly donors may edit their reoccurring donation by contacting the VAA by phone or email.
- Print donor form PDF
- Please return above form with check or payment information to:
Visual Arts Association of Northwest Florida, Inc.
217 NW Syrcle Drive
Pensacola, FL 32507
217 NW Syrcle Drive
Pensacola, FL 32507
For more information about individual or corporate giving opportunities, please don't hesitate to email or call 850.293.5414. |